Healer. Channel. Coach.
Everything we experience that we do not wish comes from our own fears.
By healing those patterns and lifting our energies, we can change the course of our lives.
Pam Meyer has helped me MUCH more than all the shamans and healers that I have experienced in the past. Pam can easily see everything about me. Her phone sessions with me have been about learning a different way of seeing the world. It is a view that was shared with her by her angels.
Overtime, in many sessions, this new view of the world takes hold. Once this view takes hold, life really changes for the better.
Wendy, 54, Arizona
“When I talk to Pam on the phone, she already knows what I want to talk to her about. She is by far the clearest person psychically that I have ever met. The phone sessions feel like counseling/healing sessions
Jack, 42, California
Words can barely express the extraordinary healer that Pam is.
Over the last 30 years, Pam has helped me solve every imaginable animal challenge, including many cases the vets could not diagnose. She has helped me through several really tough health crisis’s and has coached my successfully toward my spiritual growth. A healing source you can trust, Pam is a master healer with tremendous heart.
With gratitude, G. Valsecchi